Sultan Marshes National Park Visit

The Head of EU Delegation to Turkey, Ambassador Nikolaus Meyer–Landrut was in Kayseri to observe an EU-supported field on endangered species in Kayseri Sultansazlığı National Park and Ramsar Area. We would like to thank the Ambassador, who received information from our project team, for his visit.

Eymir Bird Ringing Station

Bird ringing studies carried out in cooperation with the General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks, Ankara University and METU continue at Eymir Bird Ringing Station. The teams of the General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks continue their work also all over the country on migratory birds that come alive with the arrival of spring and get…

National Species Conservation Strategy Development, 2. Workshop

The second workshop, which aims to build a participatory process for the National Species Conservation Strategy, which will be prepared for the first time in Turkey, took place between the dates of 21-23 February with high expert participation.The goal of the workshop is to ensure that the perspectives of various sector representatives are incorporated into the Species Conservation Strategy. For…

National Species Conservation Strategy Development, 1. Workshop

The goal of 1st Natioal Species Conservation Strategy Development Workshop that was held between 17-19 January 2022 within the scope of Endangered Species Project is to create the official National Species Conservation Strategy in participatory process for the first time in Turkey. The goal of the Workshop organized is to integrate views of different industry representatives to documents of Species…

Improvement of The Preparation Process and The Methodolgy of Species Action Plans Workshop

Workshops on Endangered Species are continuing. The last workshop was held in İzmir on the 16th and 17th of December with the goal of improving the methods used in the preparation process of the project’s species action plans. The workshop was held with academicians, representatives of non-governmental organizations, DKMP General Directorate and personnel from the provincial directorates. The methodology that…

Endangered Species project opening event held.

The Opening Event of the “Preparation, Implementation and Monitoring of Species Action Plans for Endangered Species in Turkey within the Concept of a New Methodology” Project was held at the Bilkent Hotel and Conference Center on Tuesday, 14th of December, with the participation of the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Dr. Bekir Pakdemirli. After the presentation of Borut Rubinic, Team…

Plants Threat Analysis Methodology Workshop

October 25-27 The series of workshops aim to enhance the threat analysis methodology in the species action plans. The 3rd Workshop was held with the participation of botanic expert group, representatives of NGO’s, the staff of the General Directorate of DKMP and their personnel from the provincial directorates. The methodology which will be designed as a result of the workshop…

Mammals and Invertebrates Threat Analysis Methodology Workshop

October 20-22 The series of workshops aims to enhance the threat analysis methodology in the species action plans. The 2nd Workshop ın Mammals and Invertebrates was held with the participation of the expert scientists of these group of species, along with the representatives of NGO’s, the staff of the General Directorate of DKMP and their personnel from the provincial directorates.…

2nd Invertebrates and Plants Expert Group Workshop

Within the Invertebrates and Plants Expert Group Workshop, which was held for the first time in July 2021, endangered species in Turkey were identified, together with experts. The purpose of the 2nd Invertebrates and Plants Expert Group Workshop, held in Antalya between September 28 – October 1, is: The design of the method that will enable the systematic selection of…

The 2nd session of the 2nd Bird, Mammal, and Herpetofauna Expert Group Workshop on Prioritization of Species Under Risk was held with intense participation and appraisement.

Within the framework of the ‘’Preparation, Implementation and Monitoring of Species Action Plans for Endangered Species in Turkey within the Concept of a New Methodology’’ Project, carried out by the General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry with the financial support of the European Union Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance II (IPAII), the…


“This website is created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. It's contents are the sole responsibility of Agreco, Doğa Koruma Merkezi, Doğa Araştırmaları Derneği and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union and the Republic of Turkey.”