The workshop on Sivrihisar marl steppe habibat was held in Eskişehir, focusing on plant species prioritized for conservation in Türkiye

The workshop on Sivrihisar marl steppe habitat was held in Eskişehir, focusing on plant species prioritized for conservation in Türkiye.

The General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks is carrying out a project titled ” Preparation, Implementation and Monitoring of Species Action Plans for Endangered Species in Turkey within the Concept of a New Methodology” under the coordination of the General Directorate of European Union and Foreign Relations of the Ministry of Environment, Urbanisation and Climate Change. This project is being carried out within the framework of the European Union Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) II.

As part of the project, a workshop was held in a City hotel, aiming at preparation of action plans for the species dependent on Sivrihisar marl steppe habitat.

The two-day workshop was attended by various groups such as central and provincial units of the General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, public institutions, representatives of relevant private sector organizations, academics, non-governmental organizations and project partners.

Başak Avcıoğlu, the Nature Conservation Manager at the Nature Research Society, a project partner, revealed to an AA correspondent that the workshop focuses on the exquisite steppe ecosystems found in Türkiye, which boast an impressive wealth of biodiversity.

Başak Avcıoğlu, stated that they will work together with experts and participants to conduct a study on action planning for steppes, and continued her speech as:

“Steppe ecosystems are extremely rich and important ecosystems in Turkey. These ecosystems play a very important role in terms of both biodiversity and endemism. Steppe ecosystems are also valuable as a source of genetic resources for food. Action plans are essential to protect species and the benefits these ecosystems provide to people. We are working together with experts on an action plan and identifying the necessary actions and what we can do together with stakeholders to ensure the survival of species and the benefits these ecosystems provide.”


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