National Species Conservation Strategy Development, 1. Workshop

The goal of 1st Natioal Species Conservation Strategy Development Workshop that was held between 17-19 January 2022 within the scope of Endangered Species Project is to create the official National Species Conservation Strategy in participatory process for the first time in Turkey.

The goal of the Workshop organized is to integrate views of different industry representatives to documents of Species Conservation Strategy. Participants of Workshop is determined  considering different industry representatives who work in the department of Species Conservation or have influence to this department.   For the Species Conservation Department in Turkey (Analysis of SWOT) Strenghts Sides, Weakness Sides, Opportunities and Threats will be determined and transformed to activities.

The stakeholder of “Endangered Species” project in 1st National Species Conservation Development Workshop Member of DKM Scientific Committee ODTÜ Biology Department Lecturer Prof.Dr. Can Bilgin, Chairman of the board of DKM Dr. Uğuz Zeydanlı, Coordinator of Biological Variation Conservation Programme Dr. Özge Balkız, International Bird Specialist Rob Sheldon realized them speech.

The  Ministry of Agriculture and Forest  Nature Conservation and  National Parks General Directorate Wildlife Department Species Branch Manager and Project Coordinator Adem Ağır is informed the participants about species conservation in Turkey with his histrorical persperctive. Team Leader of Endangered Species Project Borut Rubinic give the information to participants of workshop about project. 


“This website is created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. It's contents are the sole responsibility of Agreco, Doğa Koruma Merkezi, Doğa Araştırmaları Derneği and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union and the Republic of Turkey.”